About Us – 2024 – Wilnis

The story

About CNE 2024

Culture and Nature

Geocaching Event

CNE stands for Culture and Nature Event.

CNE will also return in 2024 with a new event. This time CNE is all about Culture and Nature in and around Wilnis. Various caches will be released during the event that match the theme. Consider a cycle route through the polder, or informative Lab adventures.

With the Willisstee Sports & Hall Center we once again have a nice, spacious location with plenty of parking and space inside if the weather is bad. There will be various activities inside. Of course we assume good weather so that everyone can go out with the various outdoor activities or the new geocaches.

Event location

Sports & hall center de Willisstee
Pieter Joostenlaan 24
3648 XR Wilnis

What is there to do?

The lottery is at 4:30 PM

There will be a raffle at the end of the day. At the buying a ticket a raffle ticket is included, and individual tickets are still available at the event for 1 euro each. During the raffle, various fun geocaching products will be raffled off from, among others, the available geocaching shops. 

If you have a buy a ticket in the webshop you will receive a booklet at the event containing the new geocaches in Wilnis and the surrounding area. In the Golden ticket you also get a GPX file containing the traditional geocaches. With the Platinum Ticket, even a goodie and the coin included!

Tip: Check the webshop for times and tickets

There are several beautiful church buildings in the landscape that you can see from afar. You can climb one of the towers under supervision.
If you look from above, the signs of an old railway line can still be clearly seen through the landscape. There are even several stations that can be recognized as such in the landscape. You can also find the polder and lakes with the history of peat cutting in the landscape.

The peat mill can be visited and you can take a tour, order your tickets in the webshop.

Always wanted to know how to solve that tricky multi? On CNE there will be at 1:30 p.m a route techniques course given by TeamThoroCatchers. You can also reserve a spot in the webshop for this!

View all activities in the webshop: https://cultuurennatuurevent.nl/webshop/

The reviewers are present at CNE!

Halfway through the day we receive a visit from one or more reviewers. He or she then talks about his (volunteer) work and what he or she does for Dutch geocachers. There is also the opportunity to ask questions.

In any case, a pleasant day!


The organisation

CNE 2024 in numbers

Will attends
Weeks until the event
0 +

By car?
