About us – 2025 Gemert

The story

About CNE 2025

Culture and Nature

Geocaching Event

CNE stands for Culture and Nature Event.

CNE will also return in 2025 with a new event. This time CNE is all about Culture and Nature in and around Gemert. Various caches will be released during the event that match the theme. Consider a cycling route through the area, or informative Lab adventures.

With the Farmers' Union Museum We once again have a beautiful spacious location, completely in cultural-historical theme with ample parking and space. There will be various activities. Of course we assume good weather so that everyone can go out with the various outdoor activities or the new geocaches.

Event location

Farmers' Union Museum
Pandelaar 106
5421 NJ Gemert

What is there to do?

The lottery is at 4:30 PM

There will be a raffle at the end of the day. At the buying a ticket a raffle ticket is included, and individual tickets are still available at the event for 1 euro each. During the raffle, various fun geocaching products will be raffled off from, among others, the available geocaching shops. 

If you have a buy a ticket in the webshop you will receive a booklet at the event containing the new geocaches in Gemert and the surrounding area. In the Golden ticket you also get a GPX file containing the traditional geocaches. With the Platinum Ticket, even a goodie and the coin included!

Tip: Check the webshop for times and tickets

The Boerenbondsmuseum offers a unique combination of sights that you will not find anywhere in the Netherlands within one museum. Authentic buildings, livestock, crafts. The Boerenbondsmuseum is alive. Our museum houses two original farms, several craft houses, a manual dairy factory, a rural school, a mechanical clog maker and sawmill, a field chapel and a replica of an old steam tram: De Goede Moordenaar.

View all activities in the webshop: https://cultuurennatuurevent.nl/webshop/

In any case, a pleasant day!

The reviewers are present at CNE!

Halfway through the day we receive a visit from one or more reviewers. He or she then talks about his (volunteer) work and what he or she does for Dutch geocachers. There is also the opportunity to ask questions.


The organisation

CNE 2025 in numbers

Will attends
0 +
Weeks until the event
0 +

By car?


Parking at the Boerenbondsmuseum

The Boerenbondsmuseum has 100 parking spaces. It is also possible to come by public transport and there is sufficient bicycle parking available.

A whole weekend of fun?


Village campsite Gemert

The village campsite will open earlier especially for CNE Gemert. They have 25 pitches available for campers and/or caravans. WiFi is available on site, and sanitary facilities.

For rates and more information, see the campsite website: https://www.dorpscampinggemert.nl/Tarieven